Wide Open Writing:

The Mobile Residency


Writing residencies coming to you across America via the WOWMobile.


 Meet the WOWMobile

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WOWMobile Chapter One: Our WOWMobile was born in the closing months of 2020, a year that will go down as having been like none other we've known. The WOWMobile represents a collective yearning to be connected with kindred spirits who we don’t often get to write with when we go on retreats. It’s eye-catching (very cute and getting cuter by the day), its operators are learning about its care and feeding through on the job training and the kindness of strangers. We live in it while we travel and we share the wealth of all we know about writing and creativity and living this crazy life as people who want their lives to be meaningful.

WOWMobile Chapter Two: Imagine seeing a little red dot putt-putting around the roads of North America. Can you see it? Now imagine yourself showing up at a gathering place near where you live. You bring a chair and a notebook and a pen, maybe some ideas. You sit with other people (friends, family, other locals) and write. By the time you leave, you’ve grown connections with other people and you have a story.

WOWMobile Chapter Three: Help us putt-putt and write.

Donate to the WOWMobile

(The pics above are from our very first WOWMobile Residency in Washington, DC.)