Internet Connection Failed

It’s a gorgeous sunny day in western North Carolina.  A sweatshirt only kind of day.  I’m in my favorite coffee shop with the worlds most perfect latte smiling in front of me. Smooth jazz playing in the background.  Let’s go!  It’s going to be a productive couple of hours.  Need to send emails to our wonderful gaggle of folks coming to our Tuscany retreat in June.  Need to research some properties for our 2025 retreats.  Need to do some spreadsheet work (Excel and I are mortal enemies so this will require another latte with extra shots).  All that said, the first thing I need is an internet connection.   Little did I know that the internet Gods have declared this coffee shop a connection free zone today.  There is an underlying unrest with the rest of my compadres here.  People are starting to fidget, everyone checking their settings to see what combination of keys they can push to magically bring the internet beast to life.  No luck.  I expect a mass exodus at any moment as everyone flees in pursuit of a high-speed heartbeat.  As I look around people are closing their laptops and putting down their phones, but they are not getting up to leave.  A quiet hum overtakes the shop.   What is it?  Oh, I remember now.  It’s the quiet hum of conversation.  Some laughing, some friendly debating, lots of talking, strangers striking up a conversation as they wait for their coffee concoction to be ready, actually looking at each other and smiling.  Isn’t this the connection that we need to bring back to life, to revive?  Why do we chase the elusive, invisible electronic pulse so vigorously when the warmth of human connection provides us with such rich ‘content’ for our souls? 

A woman in the corner closes her laptop and opens a book to read.  A young couple put down their phones, hold hands under the table and proceed to make googly eyes at each other.  Young love like this won’t be found while endlessly scrolling the IG.  A mother puts her phone in her bag and starts coloring with her daughter, discussing which color is best to color in the flower her daughter drew.  Heartwarming.

Me?  I’m just the observer in the corner table.   I’m loving the boots the woman who just walked in is wearing.  Why are the group of kids at the table next to me not in school?  Oooh, that breakfast sandwich that just came out of the kitchen looks delicious.  Man, I’m loving this jazz playlist.  Random thoughts of observation in this coffee shop world around me that would not have been realized had my nose been stuck in my emails and spreadsheets.  I’m happy and content. 

No emails going out this morning.  My battle with Excel happily put off for another day.   I close this laptop and order another latte to go.  As I leave, I tell the woman that I love her boots.  She smiles and says thanks, I smile back.  Connection.  It’s a good day!


From the WOW Writes Writing Group


From the WOW Writes Writing Group